Rastriya Prajatantra Diwas – Nepal to celebrate its 68th Democracy day
Rastriya Prajatantra Diwas or National Democracy day in Nepal is celebrated on every Falgun 7th. Nepalese were released from the clutches of 104 years long Rana autocracy on February 19, 1951. To commemorate the day of independence Nepal celebrates every Falgun 7th as Rastriya Prajatantra Diwas. There is a public holiday in Nepal every year on this day. It is of great importance in Nepal's history since it was the day when Nepalese citizens were free from long-reigning Rana regime. A new King named Tribhuvan Shah led the movement to defeat the Ranas.
Before the Ranas came to the throne, Nepal really was medley of divided mini-states rather than a unified nation. An official central government existed, but power was not much centralized. It was this division that allowed Ranas to take over the government more easily. The people of Nepal experienced a life full of torment & nightmares while under the ruling power of Ranas. There were even mass killings & other intolerable abuses of power during the reign of one of the Rana monarchs. The Ranas had taken away a lot of opportunities from the people while the members of the family were enjoying profligacy & lavishness that they had the highest office. Peculiarity such as corruption, discrimination & violent behaviors has ruled the country during this period in Nepali history. This period is now looked back by most of the Nepalese as very dark time indeed.
Finally, in 1951, a popular rebellion succeeded in overthrowing the powerful Rana regime once & for all. There were martyrs who died in the conflict & are honored in democracy day as national heroes. The power of people continued to become stronger & entire after the struggle of 104- long years. All the citizens of a nation have been enjoying their freedom & rights since then.
This special day is observed throughout the nation with a number of special programs. Each year a special program with the military parade is shown by Nepal army at Tundikhel. A number of grandee like a president, the prime minister, speaker of the house attend the program. People also celebrate this day offering prayers to give respect & honor to the heroes of democracy. Most governmental organizations & independent groups hold several program & rallies all over the country on this day.
Democracy day is the day to remember the past heroes & be thankful for democratic government. On this special day, let all of us call for unity, harmony, solidarity & co-working among the political parties & citizens of the nation.